
Paris 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Prix concludes with golds for France and Cote D’Ivoire

KANG Sang Ho | 기사입력 2023/09/05 [09:18]

Paris 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Prix concludes with golds for France and Cote D’Ivoire

KANG Sang Ho | 입력 : 2023/09/05 [09:18]


PARIS, France - The final day of the Paris 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Prix delivered breath-taking matches and tense finishes with France and Cote D’Ivoire finishing on top of the podium.


Home favourite Althea Laurin won gold in the women +67kg giving the enthusiastic crowd what they had been hoping for over the last three days. It is Laurin’s first ever gold medal at a Grand Prix and adds to the World title she won in Baku earlier this year. In the men +80kg serial winner Cheick Sallah Cisse of Cote D’Ivoire added a sixth gold to his Grand Prix medal collection. It continued a successful year for Cisse in which he too won World Championship gold.

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